PRLAN9110002: Problems with LAN Manager Updates and OS/2 1.3

ID Number: Q78061






When running UPDATE.EXE, LAN Manager overrides the default IBM OS/2

1.3 spooler with its own spooler files located in the LAN Manager

tree. These spooler files are from the OS/2 version 1.21 spooler,

and are not totally compatible with OS/2 version 1.3. The following

problems have been verified to be the result of this mismatch of

spooler files:

- Missing printer installer in the print manager. This problem

occurs because the OS/2 1.21 spooler does not have the built-in

print installer menu option that is part of the OS/2 1.3 print


- Detach failing when trying to apply a patch or run LAN Manager

2.0c on a server running IBM OS/2 1.3 because LMPRINT seems to be

in use even though there are no printers or queues using LMPRINT.

- The SYS2070 error, which states that the application code

segment for PMSPL is in error and cannot be loaded, occurs with

OS/2 1.30.1. For additional information, the SYS2070 error says

to see SYS0182. (This error occurs when the OS/2 1.21 PMSPL.DLL is

used with the OS/2 1.3 spooler.)


UPDATE.EXE installs PMSPL.DLL and PMSPOOL.EXE in the LANMAN tree on

all versions of OS/2. These files should be installed only on

systems with OS/2 versions 1.2 and earlier (SETUP.EXE has special

case code to handle this; therefore, clean installations of LAN

Manager 2.0 should not experience this problem, only those that



Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in LAN Manager version

2.0. We are researching this problem and will post new information

here as it becomes available.

The best workaround is to remove or delete these two files


directories immediately after running the update and before

rebooting, since they are NOT needed with OS/2 1.3.

If you have already rebooted your system after upgrading and now

have the OS/2 1.21 spooler files in use by the OS/2 1.3 operating

system, use one of the following two workarounds:

(Note: These workarounds assume LAN Manager is installed in the

default C:\LANMAN directory. If not, replace C:\LANMAN with the

correct path.)

1. Boot from a floppy disk and remove the following files:

a. Log on as a local admin and remove any ACLs on


b. Boot with the OS/2 install floppy disk, press ESC to get a

shell, and delete C:\LANMAN\NETPROG\PMSPOOL.EXE and


Reboot -- your print manager should now be the version 1.3 print


2. Edit CONFIG.SYS to load the OS/2 1.3 spooler before the LAN

Manager spooler.

Note: Be careful when attempting this workaround. If the

CONFIG.SYS file is edited incorrectly, the server software may

not load at all, leaving no access to the hard drive. The only

option will then be to reformat your hard drive.

a. Carefully edit the CONFIG.SYS file:

1) Move C:\OS2\DLL before C:\LANMAN\NETLIB in the LIBPATH


2) Move C:\OS2 before C:\LANMAN\NETPROG in the PATH entry.

b. Reboot -- everything should come up fine. If you are running

local security, however, the message "local security could

not be started, the system is booting in privileged mode"

will appear. This is because you are using the OS/2 CACHE.EXE

and not the LAN Manager CACHE.EXE. This message can be

ignored temporarily -- complete the following steps

immediately to complete this workaround and restore local


c. Remove or rename the C:\LANMAN\NETLIB\PMSPL.DLL and


d. Edit CONFIG.SYS and place the LAN Manager references before

the OS/2 references (see step 1 above).

Reboot -- your print manager should now be the version 1.3 print


Additional reference words: 2.00