INF: 3Com Questions and Answers

ID Number: Q78062

2.00 2.10 | 2.00 2.10



The following are some questions and answers about 3Com:

1. Q: Why should I consider migrating to LAN Manager?

A: LAN Manager is an extremely sophisticated and powerful network

operating system capable of running next-generation,

server-based applications while providing high-performance file

and print services. LAN Manager is optimized for today's most

popular hardware and provides a high-performance file system

(HPFS) especially designed to enhance network I/O on these

platforms. LAN Manager is protocol independent, so you can

choose which protocols you want to run with LAN Manager.

(Microsoft ships LAN Manager with NetBEUI and TCP/IP; however,

you can easily install third-party protocols such as XNS).

Also, LAN Manager 2.1 fully supports 3Com's dynamic protocol

architecture (DPA), so you can load/unload these protocols as


Microsoft also is focusing on providing better connectivity,

and this year will be announcing products for Macintosh and

NetWare connectivity, as well as remote access (dial-in)

capabilities. In addition, because 3Com's network operating

systems are based on Microsoft network technology (3+ is based

on MS-NET, 3+Open is LAN Manager-based), LAN Manager provides

excellent interoperability with 3Com networks, and therefore

provides the easiest migration path. Finally, Microsoft is

offering special pricing for 3Com customers to make this

migration as cost-effective as possible.

2. Q: If I decide to start using LAN Manager, do I need to replace

all of my 3Com software and hardware nodes?

A: No. LAN Manager, with the Microsoft Upgrade Toolkit for 3Com

Networks, allows you to upgrade to LAN Manager incrementally

while retaining access to your existing 3Com value-added

services. The net result is complete two-way interoperability

between the two environments, allowing you to phase in new

LAN Manager clients and servers at your own pace, without

disrupting your current 3Com-based networks.

3. Q: What is in the toolkit?

A: The toolkit contains the XNS protocol for LAN Manager systems,

as well as other utilities that provide full interoperability

between LAN Manager, 3+, and 3+Open. The final release of the

toolkit will include the following:

- XNS version 2.0, which allows access to 3+ servers and

services (such as 3+Name and 3+Mail). XNS version 2.0

contains many enhancements over previous versions, including

support for up to 254 sessions at the server and a full XNS

stack for MS-DOS that can co-exist with other NetBIOS-based

protocols (such as NetBEUI). XNS will also be integrally

supported by LAN Manager, so users will be able to install

and load/unload XNS using native LAN Manager code.

- Unified logon, which allows a client to log onto a 3+ name

service and a LAN Manager domain with a single command.

(Unified logoff lets you log off both with one command as

well.) Microsoft is shipping an enhanced version of the

3+Open utility that fully supports three-part names and

provides enhanced functionality (validated logon) to DOS

Basic clients.

- Utilities that allow LAN Manager clients to access 3+


- Utilities that allow 3+ clients to fully participate in

NetBIOS-based services and to NET USE to LAN Manager servers.

- Utilities that allow NetBIOS-based internetworking with the

XNS protocol and the XNS Locator service.

- Installation and configuration utilities.

4. Q: Why is there more than one release of the toolkit?

A: There are actually two versions of the upgrade toolkit. The

first was released in August 1991 and is targeted at current

3+ or 3+Open customers who want to start migrating to LAN

Manager 2.0. The second toolkit will be released later this

year and is targeted at customers wanting to upgrade to LAN

Manager 2.1 (which will also be released later this year).

Customers who buy release 1 of the toolkit can get release 2

at no cost. Microsoft will also offer to all 3Com customers a

special upgrade price to LAN Manager 2.1.

5. Q: How do I get the toolkit?

A: 3Com customers who want to acquire the upgrade toolkit should

contact a Microsoft authorized network specialist, or call

Microsoft at (800) 227-4679 in the United States or contact

their local Microsoft subsidiary.

6. Q: Will Microsoft and 3Com support LAN Manager on 3Com 3Servers?

A: Yes. As part of the upgrade toolkit announcement, Microsoft

announced its intention to develop and distribute new versions

of the LAN Manager product line for 3Com 3Server hardware

through the end of 1993. 3Com will distribute a Value Pak for

Microsoft LAN Manager versions 2.0 and 2.1; after that, the

complete solution will come from Microsoft.

7. Q: What is Microsoft doing about other network protocols that were

developed and supported by 3Com?

A: XNS, which is the only protocol supported by 3+ and its many

services, is fully supported by Microsoft and is included in

the upgrade toolkit. There are two additional protocols

supported in 3+Open: NBP and DLC. NBP is not available from

Microsoft; however, 3Com has developed a version for LAN

Manager that is supported by Microsoft during your migration to

LAN Manager and NetBEUI. You can get this version (NBP version

2.0) from CompuServe (in the ASK3COM forum) or directly from

3Com [(800) NET-3COM]. 3Com's DLC protocol is actually a dual

stack that provides both a DLC and a NetBEUI interface. This

stack will not be supported on LAN Manager; you should either

upgrade to Microsoft NetBEUI or Microsoft DLC, both of which

will be available with LAN Manager 2.1.

8. Q: What about 3+Mail?

A: If you use 3+ Mail today, you have many options open to you

with LAN Manager. For the short term, you can keep your 3+ mail

servers intact and continue using 3+ mail, even in a mixed

3Com/LAN Manager environment. Or, you can upgrade to another

mail product, such as Microsoft Mail for PC Networks. Microsoft

Mail is an excellent, market-leading Mail product, and 3Com

customers can take advantage of a special upgrade price to

Microsoft Mail. Microsoft is also offering a gateway and an

inbox conversion utility (for converting 3+ mailboxes to

Microsoft Mail), both of which will be available this year.

9. Q: What about tape backup and restore?

A: Every copy of Microsoft LAN Manager ships with an excellent

tape backup and restore program called Sytos Plus. This is a

third-party, high-performance backup management solution that

supports a variety of the industry's leading tape devices. In

addition, 3Server customers can continue using their existing

hardware and 3Com's Backup software. 3Com has already provided

a version of 3+Backup for LAN Manager that restores 3+Open

format tapes, and will be providing the capability to restore

3+ format tapes in the next release of the Value Pack for LAN


10. Q: Will LAN Manager support remote boot of my existing 3Com

3Stations and START PROM PCs?

A: Yes, this capability has been built into LAN Manager 2.1. You

can remote boot 3Stations, as well as any PCs with 3Com Start

PROMs. Microsoft remote boot will even support booting MS-DOS

5.0, Windows 3.0, and OS/2 clients. And, if you want to

continue using 3Com's START utility, you can do that with LAN

Manager also (one restriction: you cannot run START and the

remote boot service on the same local network).

11. Q: Will LAN Manager support the concept of HOME directories?

A: This is another very useful feature that has been integrated

into the base LAN Manager product. Users can directly access

their HOME directories on LAN Manager servers by typing

"net use x: /home" (where X: is any valid drive letter).