MASM Optimizations Not Recognized by Some Non-Intel Processors

ID Number: Q69987

5.10 5.10a | 5.10 5.10a



For optimization reasons, MASM versions 5.10 and 5.10a will generate

the opcode 83 for logical AND, OR, and XOR instructions in some cases,

rather than opcode 81. Unfortunately, opcode 83 was not documented by

Intel for 80x86/8088 processors prior to the 80386. Therefore, some

processors (such as the NEC V25 and V35 controllers) and some

in-circuit emulators for the 80x86 family do not support this opcode.

In the sample code below, "Listing 1" shows code that will cause the

83 opcode to be generated. "Listing 2" illustrates a way to work

around this situation for those who are using processors that do not

support this opcode. Note that opcode 83 does work properly on all

Intel 80x86/8088 processors, and its generation is by design.

The sign-extension optimization may be disabled in MASM 6.00 with the

Option directive. To override the default sign-extended opcodes for

AND, OR, and XOR, place the following line at the beginning of the

source file:


More Information:

The opcode 83 takes advantage of the sign-extension feature available

on the Intel 80x86 processors. If the high byte of a word has all bits

set or all bits cleared, and the most significant bit of the low byte

is in the same state as the bits in the high byte, then the word may

be represented by one byte. The opcode 83 instructs the machine to

build the word by taking the byte and extending the sign bit (most

significant bit) of the byte into the rest of the word.

For example, if the word is FFF0h, the word may be represented by F0h.

By the same method, if the word is 000Fh, the word may be stored as


The workaround shown in the sample code below works because on pass

one the assembler does not know if the second operand will meet the

above criteria, and will generate the opcode 81. Zero is defined as

the number 0, so the operand value does not change.

Sample Code


Listing 1:



val dw 0


mine proc

AND val, 0FFF0h

mine endp


Listing 2:



val dw 0


mine proc

AND val, ZERO + 0FFF0h

mine endp

