Return Must Match Memory Model for CALL to Label in Procedure

ID Number: Q70671

5.10 5.10a 6.00 | 5.10 5.10a 6.00



With the Macro Assembler (MASM), if a CALL is made to a label within a

procedure, a near call is generated by default. Depending on the

memory model being used, you may need to explicitly specify the

correct return.

More Information:

The standard RET instruction pops off the return address depending on

the memory model. In a small memory model program, the RET instruction

is converted to a RETN, which only pops off the offset to return. In

medium and large memory models, the RET is converted to RETF, which

pops off both the segment and offset to return from the far call.

Because a call to a label within a procedure always results in a near

call, the RETF instruction that is generated in medium and large

models will pop a segment value for the return address that was never


To ensure that the right size address is popped off the stack relative

to that pushed on the stack, one of the following methods may be used:

1. Use the RET return, but push CS before the call so that the segment

and offset will both be on the stack for the far return:


CALL label1

- or -

2. Use the FAR PTR override on the call along with a RET to return, so

that both segment and offset are pushed and popped off the stack:


- or -

3. Use the LABEL FAR directive along with a RET return so that the

assembler will generate a far return to match the far label call:

label1 LABEL FAR

- or -

4. If the label is called ONLY from within the procedure, use RETN

explicitly (instead of RET) to indicate the NEAR return, so that

only the offset is popped off the stack:



The sample code below demonstrates the need for the proper return for

a call to a label. When assembled and run as is, the code will hang

the computer. Adding any of the solutions described above will correct

the code. Comments are included at the locations where each correction

should go.

Sample Code


; Assemble options needed : none

.MODEL large



start: call proc1

mov ah, 4ch

mov al, 0

int 21h

proc1 PROC

; #1 - add PUSH CS instruction here

CALL label1 ; #2 - change call to CALL FAR PTR label1


label1: ; #3 - change label to label1 LABEL FAR

RET ; #4 - change return to RETN

proc1 ENDP

END start