ID Number: Q73374
Attempting to add more than 64K of data into a Visual Basic list box
or combo box will result in a Windows UAE (unrecoverable application
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Visual Basic
programming system version 1.0 for Windows. Microsoft is researching
this problem and will post new information here as it becomes
More Information:
Each item of a list box or combo box can contain a string up to 1K in
length; however, if the total of all items exceeds 64K, a UAE will be
generated. The .List() property for list boxes and combo boxes is
given its own segment up to 64K in size. If an attempt to exceed this
limit is made, an "Out of memory" or "Out of string space" error
message should result, but instead a UAE occurs and the program
Steps to Reproduce Problem
1. Create a New Project.
2. Draw a list box on Form1.
3. Add the following code to Form1's Click() event procedure:
Sub Form_Click()
List1.Additem String$(1024, "X")
I = I + 1
Debug.Print I
End Sub
When the UAE occurs, note that the value of the variable "I" displayed
in the Immediate window will be 63. The UAE occurred when adding the
64th item, which caused the total size of the data in the list box to
exceed 64K. The actual limit is slightly under 64K due to a small
amount of overhead to manage the .List() property because it is a
property array.
Additional reference words: 1.00