BIND Generates Multiply Defined Symbols with MASM 6.0 API.LIB

ID Number: Q72728

6.00 | 6.00




When binding an OS/2 protected mode application that was assembled or

compiled under compact or large memory model, it is necessary to

specify the module APILMR.OBJ on the BIND command line. Using the

version of API.LIB included with the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM)

version 6.0 package in conjunction with APILMR.OBJ will result in the

following error:

API.LIB(i_apilmr.asm): error L2044: API_MEMREP: symbol multiply

defined, use /NOE

Binding with the /NOE switch causes the error to be suppressed, but

the program will not work correctly.

More Information:

There are two workarounds for this error:

1. Delete I_APILMR.OBJ from API.LIB. This is done with the LIB utility

as follows:



2. Replace I_APILMR.OBJ in API.LIB with the APILMR.OBJ from the MASM

LIB subdirectory:


If APILMR.OBJ is replaced in API.LIB, it is no longer necessary to

specify APILMR.OBJ on the BIND command line.

Note: Both of these workarounds create a version of API.LIB that can

only be used when binding a compact or large model program.

It is necessary to BIND with the file APILMR.OBJ in order for programs

compiled under the large or compact memory model to correctly access

the near heap. For more information, see the online help index for

BIND and select the link to either APILMR.OBJ or Command Line Syntax.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in MASM version 6.0. We

are researching this problem and will post new information here as it

becomes available.