Clicking on Toolbox/Color Palette Menu Doesn't Leave Menu Open

ID Number: Q73418




When you single click in the System menu (the Control menu in the

upper left corner) of the Toolbox or the Color Palette in the Visual

Basic environment, the menu flashes on the screen but does not stay

visible like normal Windows System menus. This is by design.

To keep the Toolbox or Color Palette system menu pulled down, you must

hold down the mouse button.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

On a normal Windows System menu, a single mouse click pulls down the

menu and keeps the menu down without having to hold down the mouse

button. Even though the System menus of the Toolbox and Color Palette

may look like normal System menus, they do not act like them, and are

not "normal" Windows System menus. They were not designed to stay open

with a single mouse click; therefore, the menu will flash briefly on

the screen on a single mouse click and then disappear, unless you keep

the mouse button held down.

Additional reference words: 1.00