How to Use Int 20h to Terminate an .EXE Program

ID Number: Q72848

5.00 5.10 6.00



When terminating a program executed as an .EXE file, it is recommended

that function 4Ch of interrupt 21h be used, rather than interrupt 20h.

Unfortunately, function 4Ch is not available on versions of MS-DOS

earlier than 2.0. If the use of Int 20h is required, then it is

important to be sure that the CS register points to the beginning of

the PSP (program segment prefix).

More Information:

Int 20h is often used to terminate .COM programs. The problem with

using the same interrupt to end .EXE programs is that Int 20h requires

that CS point to the PSP, and while this is true for .COM programs, it

does not hold for .EXE programs.

Simply setting CS equal to the PSP will change the flow of execution,

making it unlikely that the Int 20h call will be reached; therefore, a

more indirect method must be used. First, push the segment of the PSP,

then push an offset of 0000. Finally, issue a "retf" instruction. This

causes program execution to switch to offset 0000 of the PSP, which

contains an Int 20h instruction.

This method is demonstrated in the sample code below, which is written

for MASM versions 5.x but will work with MASM version 6.0 as well.

Sample Code


; Assemble options needed: none


db 2048 dup(?)

stack ENDS


msg db "Hello, World", 0Dh, 0Ah, "$"

data ENDS


begin: push es ;ES = PSP at entry, so we'll save it

mov ax, SEG data ;Initialize DS to data segment

mov ds, ax

ASSUME DS:data, CS:text, SS:stack

mov ax, SEG msg

mov ds, ax ;Set DS:DX to the address of msg

mov dx, OFFSET msg

mov ah, 09h ;Function 09h (Display String)

int 21h

mov ax, 00h ;Extra step for 8088/8086 chips

push ax ;PSP segment is already on the stack


text ENDS

END begin