Overlapping Controls Not Supported in Visual Basic

ID Number: Q73651




Overlapping Visual Basic controls may not respond as expected to mouse

events. For example, the bottom control will receive the mouse event

even when it appears that you have selected the top control. The use

of overlapping Controls is not supported in Microsoft Visual Basic

version 1.0.

This information applies to the Microsoft Visual Basic programming

system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Although the Visual Basic design editor allows you to overlap

controls, when you run the application the region of the controls that

overlap may not function as you would expect.

For example, if two Command buttons, Command1 and Command2, overlap so

that Command1 is partially on top of Command2, when you select

Command1 within the region of overlap you would expect a Click event

to be issued for Command1. However, the Click event may occur on

Command2 even though it is underneath Command1 in the overlapping


Additional reference words: 1.00