C1001: Internal Compiler Error: regMD.c, Line 4688

ID Number: Q67358

6.00 6.00a | 6.00 6.00a


buglist6.00 buglist6.00a


The sample code below produces the following internal compiler errors

under different versions of the compiler. These problems occur when

any of the following individual optimizations are used under the small

and medium memory models:

/Oa /Oc /Oi /On /Op /Or /Os /Ot /Ow /Oz

Under C 6.00a


test.c(7) : fatal error C1001: Internal Compiler Error

(compiler file '@(#)regMD.c:1.110', line 4688)

Contact Microsoft Product Support Services

Under C 6.00


test.c(7) : fatal error C1001: Internal Compiler Error

(compiler file '@(#)regMD.c:1.100', line 4634)

Contact Microsoft Product Support Services

More Information:

The following are four possible workarounds:

1. Add one of the following optimizations:

/Od /Oe /Og /Ol /Ox

2. Do not declare the structure variables of type register.

3. Use an if-else statement instead of the ternary operator.

4. Compile under the compact or large memory models.

Sample Code


1: void main(void)

2: {

3: register int *boo, *hoo;

4: int n;


6: boo=hoo;

7: n= *boo ? 1 / *boo : 1;

8: }

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in C versions 6.00 and

6.00a. We are researching this problem and will post new information

here as it becomes available.