VB Duplicate Procedure Name Alters Original Capitalization

ID Number: Q76514





In Visual Basic, if you enter a Sub statement with a procedure name

that duplicates an existing procedure name in spelling but not in

capitalization, you will receive a "duplicate definition" error

message, but the original procedure name will be changed to match the

new capitalization. This also happens if you choose New Procedure from

the Code menu and enter a duplicate name. This behavior is incorrect.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

If you choose the OK button after receiving the "duplicate definition"

error message, the old name of the subroutine will be updated to show the

changes in capitalization, even though there was a "duplicate definition"


Steps to Reproduce Problem


Method 1


1. Within a module, create a Sub procedure called "a".

2. From the Code menu, choose New Procedure. Name the procedure "A"

and choose the OK button when the "duplicate definition" message is


Method 2


1. Within a module, create a Sub procedure called "a".

2. Within the same module, create a Sub named "A" and choose the OK

button when the "duplicate definition" message is displayed.

The original procedure name is updated with the most recent Sub

procedure name taking the place of the old Sub procedure name, despite

the "duplicate definition" error message. To work around the problem,

change the capitalization.

Additional reference words: 1.00