No Option Button Active (Dotted) in Frame

ID Number: Q76520




If you have more than one frame (or group) of option buttons, Visual

Basic correctly marks one button as active (with a dot) in the first

group of option buttons, but initially fails to place a dot anywhere

in additional groups (or frames) of option buttons. You must manually

click an option button in the additional group for the dot to appear

in that group.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Start Visual Basic with a new project.

2. Draw two frames on the form, with one frame being half the size of

the form and the other frame being the other half of the form.

(Select the Frame tool from the Visual Basic Toolbox.)

3. Place two option buttons in each of the frames by selecting the

Option Button tool from the Toolbox and pointing, clicking, and

dragging the option buttons onto the frames.

4. Run the program (press the function key F5). Note that there is

only one option button, which contains a dot.



If you want a particular option button selected (containing the dot)

in a group or frame, you will need to set that button's Value

property, such as in the Form_Load event Procedure. For example:

Option3.Value = -1

This will place a dot in the Option3 button in addition to the dot in

the Option1 button when you run the program again.

Note that you cannot place a dot in both the Option1 button and

Option2 button if they are both placed in the same frame. This is

because if you group the Option Buttons in a frame, you are only

allowed to select one Option at one time from the group.

Note also that buttons on a form outside any frame behave as a group.