Comments and Blank Lines Increase Size of VB 1.0 .EXE File

ID Number: Q73697




Each line containing blank space or a comment in any code window of a

Visual Basic application adds 2 bytes to the size of the compiled

executable file (.EXE). This is not a problem with Visual Basic, but

rather it is part of Visual Basic's design.

This information applies to the Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

The 2 byte overhead for each line containing blank space or a comment

is generated as part of the pseudo-code for the application in the

VB.EXE development environment. The program is run in "interpreted

mode" based on this pseudo-code. Because an .EXE program is generated

based on this pseudo-code (in other words, Visual Basic does not use a

compiler and linker), the 2 byte overhead is copied to the .EXE

program. The only workaround for this behavior is to remove comments

and blank lines before compiling the Visual Basic project.

Additional reference words: 1.00