Cannot Tile or Cascade Programs Created with Visual Basic

ID Number: Q73698




Applications that have been created with Microsoft Visual Basic 1.0 do

not tile or cascade as do other Windows applications.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Visual Basic creates applications that are pop-up windows. This window

style does not respond to the tile or cascade message sent from the

Windows 3.0 Task List or other applications that support the cascade

and tile features.

You can verify this action by launching two applications created in

Visual Basic, then bringing up the Windows Task List by pressing

CTRL+ESC, and from the Task List choosing either the Cascade or Tile

button. Notice that nothing has changed in the arrangements of these

two Visual Basic application windows. You may have expected the Visual

Basic application windows to cascade or tile as other Windows

applications do, but they will not do so.

Additional reference words: 1.00 3.00