MASM 6.0 ML Driver Does Not Pass /nologo to LINK Correctly

ID Number: Q73189

6.00 | 6.00




If you attempt to suppress the LINK copyright banner by specifying the

/nologo switch on the command line of the ML.EXE driver in the

Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) version 6.0, ML does not pass /nologo

to the linker correctly. There are two workarounds for this problem:

1. Invoke LINK separately with the /nologo switch.


2. Set the LINK environment variable as follows to specify the /nologo

option at all times:

SET LINK=/nologo

More Information:

The /nologo option is used to suppress the display of the copyright

banner for Microsoft language products and utilities. For example, the

assembler may be invoked as follows:

ml /nologo test.asm

This will assemble a file without first displaying the assembler

copyright message. To pass the /nologo switch to the linker, the

following command line should be used:

ml test.asm /link /nologo

This does not work properly with the MASM 6.0 ML driver. The /nologo

switch is passed in the "library" response area and is not seen by

LINK until after the copyright banner has been displayed.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in MASM version 6.0. We

are researching this problem and will post new information here as it

becomes available.