TABs Paste Incorrectly as | to VB.EXE's Immediate Window

ID Number: Q73700





TAB characters may Paste (from the Windows Clipboard) incorrectly into

the Immediate Window in Microsoft Visual Basic version 1.0. (TAB

characters may incorrectly Paste as pipe [|] symbols.)

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.00 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. From Windows 3.0, run NOTEPAD.EXE and enter the following text:

a <TAB> a

This will be displayed in the following format:

a a

2. Select the text with the mouse and choose Copy from Notepad's

Edit menu to copy the text to the Windows Clipboard.

3. Start Visual Basic and press F5 to run the blank program (or from

the Run menu, choose Start).

4. Break the program by pressing CTRL+BREAK, then click the mouse on

the Immediate Window.

5. Press SHIFT+INSERT to enter the selected text into the Immediate

Window. Observe that the Immediate Window incorrectly displays the

following text:


instead of displaying the following:

a a

6. If you end the program (by choosing the End command from the Run

menu), you will be able to successfully paste (SHIFT+INSERT) the

correct text into any code window:

a a

Additional reference words: 1.00 3.00