How to Optimize Size and Speed of Visual Basic Applications

ID Number: Q73798




This article describes how to optimize size and speed for applications

in Microsoft Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Below are guidelines to help increase speed, available resources,

available RAM, and available disk space in Visual Basic:

Increase Speed


- Preload forms.

- Store graphics as bitmaps.

- Place debug routines in a separate module.

- Use dynamic link library (DLL) routines.

Increase Available Resources


- Create simulated controls using a graphic object.

- Draw graphics images during run time.

Increase Available RAM


- Use Integer variables instead of Single variables.

- Create dynamic arrays to free arrays when not needed.

- Drop/unload controls and forms when not needed.

- Use local variables.

Increase Disk Space


- Build controls at load time.

- Minimize header size.

- Delete unnecessary functions and subroutines.

- Delete unused objects and associated methods.

Additional reference words: 1.00