MultiLine Text Boxes Scroll Incorrectly with Large Font Sizes

ID Number: Q76552




A multiline text box will not scroll correctly with large font sizes.

This applies to setting the FontSize in design mode and during run

mode on a multiline text box with scroll bars.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows. This is not a problem with Visual Basic,

but rather with Windows 3.0.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Place a text box on a form (any size around one square inch).

2. Set the following properties:

MultiLine = True

ScrollBars = 3 - Both

FontSize = 24

Text = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

3. Start the application (by pressing the F5 function key).

4. Scroll horizontally as far right as possible.

Note: Though you would expect to be able to scroll to the letter "z,"

the scroll bar will not adjust for the large font. Changing the

FontSize property or setting the Text in code at run time does not

solve the problem.

As you enter text into the text box, the scroll bar adjusts accurately

so that one can scroll to the end of the line, regardless of the font


Additional reference words: 1.00 3.00