INF: Information Regarding Buffered I/O and MSCDEX

ID Number: Q69974




In the Microsoft Multimedia Windows environment, the MSCDEX driver

provides buffered input and output (I/O) from the CD-ROM device. The

information below discusses using buffered I/O in an application.

More Information:

When 32K of data is read from the disk in response to a request from

an application, 32K additional data is read from the disk into a

buffer in anticipation of another sequential read request.

Currently, all information read from the CD-ROM is in response to a

synchronous MS-DOS file I/O request. This prevents an application from

requesting that a particular portion of data be read from the disk

while the application performs some other processing. Although an

implementation of asynchronous I/O is being researched, it will not be

implemented soon. It would be necessary to rewrite all CD-ROM drivers

currently in use to implement asynchronous I/O.

To fill the buffer with an arbitrary selection from the CD-ROM, an

application can request one byte of data from the beginning of the

selection to be read. After the CD-ROM seeks to the data and reads one

byte, control is returned. The driver reads the remainder of the data

into the buffer asynchronously.

Additional reference words: 1.00