"Overflow" Printing Too Large a String to Form or Printer

ID Number: Q74517




An "Overflow" error message may occur when you print a long string in

Microsoft Visual Basic.

When a character is printed using the Print method, the CurrentX and

CurrentY coordinates are also updated for the object being printed to.

If the string being printed is long enough to cause the value of the

CurrentX property to exceed 32,767 twips, an "Overflow" error will

occur. This behavior is by design.

"Overflow" can be caused by printing a single long string or by

repeatedly printing shorter strings that are appended onto the end of

the last string (using the Visual Basic semicolon (;) operator).

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Start Visual Basic or choose New Project from the File menu.

2. Place a label control on Form1.

3. Add the following code to the Form_Click event:

Sub Form_Click()

For index% = 1 to 1000

Print "A";

Label1.Caption = Str$(CurrentX)


End Sub

4. From the Run menu, choose Start.

5. Click on Form1.

An "Overflow" error will occur. You can examine the label caption to

see that the value of Form1.CurrentX plus the TextWidth of "A"

exceeded 32767 at the time of the error.

Additional reference words: 1.00