Initial ForeColor/BackColor on Color Palette Can Be Reversed

ID Number: Q74265





This article explains a problem with the Color Palette in Microsoft

Visual Basic programming system version 1.0. The following steps

reproduce the problem:

1. Start Visual Basic; the default Form1 will display.

2. From the File menu, choose Save Project As, and follow the prompts

to save under the default name Form1.frm, followed by Project1.mak.

3. From the Window menu, choose Color Palette. Notice the default

colors presented for the background and foreground in the

left box. The foreground is black and the background is white.

4. Exit Visual Basic.

5. From the Program Manager's File menu, choose the Run command and

enter the following path:


6. This should begin running Visual Basic with the previously saved

example Project1.mak that you saved in step 2.

7. Notice the Color Palette is displayed differently. The background

is now black instead of white and the foreground is now white

instead of black.

This problem occurs only when a project is run from the command line.

The above problem can be corrected by adding one more step: View the

Form by selecting Form1.frm from the Project1 Window. This causes the

Color Palette to be displayed correctly with the background being

white instead of black.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with Microsoft Visual

Basic programming system version 1.0. We are researching this problem

and will post new information here as it becomes available.

Additional reference words: 1.00