MSM9107015:Near Call Between Segments Within a Group May Fail

ID Number: Q74532

6.00 | 6.00


buglist6.00 fixlist6.00a



The Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) version 6.0 may generate

incorrect code when a near call is made to a procedure in another

segment. When a call is made from an offset greater that 0FDh in

the calling segment to a procedure declared in the same source

file, the call is made to an incorrect offset.


To work around this problem, code the procedure in another module

and declare it as external in the problem module.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in MASM version 6.0.

This problem was corrected in MASM version 6.0a.

More Information:

The sample program below illustrates this problem. It defines two

segments that are defined in the same group. Calls are being made from

different offsets in the file. All calls after offset 0FDh are made to

incorrect addresses rather than being set up as relocatable calls.

The following is incorrect code generated for the procedure called


00F8 Generic proc near

00F8 E8 0000 R call Simple

00FB E8 0000 R call Simple

00FE E8 11B2 call Simple

0101 E8 5200 call Simple

0104 E8 11B2 call Simple

0107 E8 11B2 call Simple

010A E8 0854 call Simple

010D Generic endp

The correct code that should be generated would appear as follows:

00F8 Generic proc near

00F8 E8 0000 R call Simple

00FB E8 0000 R call Simple

00FE E8 0000 R call Simple

0101 E8 0000 R call Simple

0104 E8 0000 R call Simple

0107 E8 0000 R call Simple

010A E8 0000 R call Simple

010D Generic endp

Sample Code


; Assemble options needed: none


CGroup group Init, Code


Code segment para public 'CODE'

Simple proc near


Simple endp

Code ends

Init segment para public 'CODE'

ORG 0F8h

Generic proc near

call Simple

call Simple

call Simple

call Simple

call Simple

call Simple

call Simple

Generic endp

Init ends
