Extra Click Required to Return Focus to Code and Select Text

ID Number: Q74294





You must use an extra click when returning focus from the Menu bar,

Toolbox, or the Properties bar to the current code window and then

attempting to either select text or set the insertion point. Contrary

to the standard Windows convention, which requires only one mouse

click and hold to accomplish this, Visual Basic 1.0 requires you to

click once to set the focus to the code window, and then again to

position the insertion point or select text.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

To duplicate this problem, start with a new project in the Visual

Basic environment:

1. Double-click on Form1 to to open the Form1_Click procedure code


2. Click on Visual Basic's Main menu, Properties bar, or Toolbox.

3. Try to position the insertion point or select text in the

Form1_Click code window. The first click merely shifts the focus

to the code window, but the insertion point is not positioned in

the window, nor is any text selected.

You must release the mouse button and click again to select text or

place the insertion point. The problem also occurs in the Copy/Paste

or Cut/Paste process. When you attempt to Paste, you must click a

second time to place the insertion point where desired for the Paste.