If Directory Deleted, Directories Empty in Save Project As Box

ID Number: Q74192





The following is a small user-interface problem with the Save Project

As dialog box in Microsoft Visual Basic programming system version 1.0

for Windows.

If you currently have a project loaded in Visual Basic and, from a

simultaneous DOS session in Windows, you delete that project and its

subdirectory, then the next Save Project As command will incorrectly

display an empty Directories list box. Subsequent Save Project As

commands correctly show the Directories list box.

Microsoft has confirmed this problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

The following steps reproduce the problem.

1. Go to a DOS prompt and change directory to the Visual Basic

directory (CHDIR \VB). From this directory, make a new directory

with the MKDIR command; for example, MKDIR TEST.

2. Now go back into Windows. From Visual Basic's File menu, choose

Save Project As. Choose Yes to save the form as Form1.Frm. Next,

save the form under the following path:


3. After you press ENTER or choose OK, another message will display,

asking you to save the Project1.Mak. Choose OK, and enter the path:


4. Minimize Visual Basic and activate a DOS prompt box from Windows.

From the directory C:\VB\TEST you should see the Project1.Mak and

Form1.Frm files. Delete these files with DEL *.* and answer Y.

Change directories to the C:\VB directory (CHDIR ...). Remove the

TEST directory with the command RMDIR TEST. Now EXIT from DOS and

return to your Visual Basic session within Windows.

5. Now try to save the project by choosing Save Project As. A message

will correctly state "Path not found: 'C:\VB\TEST'". Choose OK;

then you will see a Save Project As window displayed with an empty

"File Name", but the "Directories" list box will incorrectly be

blank. The problem is minor, since subsequent Save Project As

commands correctly display directories in the "Directories" list


Additional reference words: 1.00