"UAE" Changing Display of DOS Window When VB Is at Breakpoint

ID Number: Q74193




This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Microsoft Windows.

When using some Windows display drivers, the following steps may cause

Microsoft Visual Basic to abort with an "UNRECOVERABLE APPLICATION


1. Start Microsoft Visual Basic.

2. Add a line of code to the Form_Click event procedure, such as

"X = 5".

3. Set a break point on the line added in step 2.

4. Start a simultaneous DOS session in Windows.

5. Run the Visual Basic program (F5); click on the form to stop at

the break point.

6. Activate (double-click) the DOS window.

7. Press ALT+ENTER to change the DOS window to a full screen window.

After pressing ALT+ENTER to change the DOS window to a full screen DOS

session, Microsoft Visual Basic may quit with an "UNRECOVERABLE

APPLICATION ERROR." This behavior is a result of problems with

certain Windows display drivers, and not a problem with Visual Basic.

Additional reference words: 1.00