ID Number: Q76630
Because of Windows version 3.0 and 3.1 limitations, forms with menus
cannot have the BorderStyle property set to Fixed Double. To have
menus, a form's BorderStyle property must be either None, Fixed
Single, or Sizable.
This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system
version 1.0 for Windows and to Microsoft Windows versions 3.0, 3.0a,
and 3.1.
More Information:
Steps to Reproduce Problem
1. Run Visual Basic, or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT,
F, N) if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 is created by
2. In the Menu Design window, create a menu on Form1.
3. Set the BorderStyle of Form1 to Fixed Double.
4. Run the program.
Note that the border style is fixed single.
Because of a Windows problem with menus on forms with fixed double
borders, Visual Basic does not paint the menus correctly. For this
reason, Visual Basic does not allow this particular combination of a
menu on a form with a fixed double border.
For more information on this limitation, query on the following words
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
visual basic and menu and caption and bar
Additional reference words: 1.00 3.00 3.00a 3.10