"Invalid in Immediate Window" Creating VB Immediate Variable

ID Number: Q76636




An "Invalid in Immediate Window" error message may occur when you

attempt to create a new variable in the VB.EXE Immediate window. This

error message may occur if your program has encountered a serious

error (for example, "Out of Stack Space") from which the program

cannot continue. The current program must be in a continuable state

for variables to be created in the Immediate window.

This information applies to the Microsoft Visual Basic programming

system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Start Visual Basic, or choose New Project from the File menu.

2. Double-click on Form1 to open a code window. In the Form_Click

event procedure, enter the following code:

Call Form_Click

3. Execute the program and click on Form1. An "Out of Stack Space"

error will be displayed.

4. Close the error message window and enter the following code in the

Immediate window:

A$ = "123"

5. An "Invalid in Immediate Window" error message should occur. If it

does not, repeat steps 3-4.

Additional reference words: 1.00