PRB: Help File Missing Green Text Using WACOM Tablet

ID Number: Q76069





When the Windows Help application is run on a system with a WACOM

tablet installed, context jumps and glossary entries do not appear

on the screen.


The default color for Windows Help hypertext keywords is light

green. The recommended settings for using Windows with the WACOM

tablet disable the green video signal.


Two settings in the WIN.INI file allow the user to specify a

different color for the hypertext keywords. Use a text editor to

modify the WIN.INI file. Find the [Windows Help] section. Add two

lines that resemble the following:



This process will change the hypertext keywords to red. The value

to the right of the equal sign represents a red, green, blue (RGB)

color-value triple. While any color can be specified, because the

green signal is disabled, changing the green parameter will make no

difference in the color selected.

Additional reference words: 1.00