Can Click in Code Window Without Activating it, in VB.EXE

ID Number: Q74194





If you have both a form and code window present at design time in

Microsoft Visual Basic with the current focus on the form, clicking on

the upper or lower edge of the splitter bar in the code window will

fail to shift the focus to the code window. Clicking anywhere else on

the code window correctly shifts the focus and activates the code


This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

To reproduce this problem in Visual Basic, choose the New Project

option from Visual Basic's File menu. Double-click on Form1 to open a

code window, then click on Form1 to return focus to the form. Now

place the tip of the mouse pointer on the upper or lower edge of the

code window's splitter bar such that the pointer remains an arrow, and

is not an I-beam pointer or splitter pointer. Clicking now fails to

shift the focus to the code window. You can click anywhere else in the

code window and the code window will correctly become the active


Note that the "splitter bar" (the horizontal border just above the

editing area and just above the vertical scroll bar) allows you to

split the code window into two parts, which allows you to view two

different sections of code at once.

Additional reference words: 1.00