ID Number: Q74670
5.10 5.10a
buglist5.10 buglist5.10a fixlist6.00
When using the .DATA? directive with the Microsoft Macro Assembler
(MASM) versions 5.1 and 5.1a, uninitialized data elements may be
incorrectly allocated space in the .EXE file.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in MASM versions 5.1
and 5.1a. This problem was corrected in MASM version 6.0.
More Information:
The .DATA? directive indicates the start of the uninitialized data
segment, and data declared here is not allocated space in the resulting
executable file. However, when declaring an array of structures under
.DATA? in MASM 5.1a, space is incorrectly allocated in the .EXE, and
the size of the executable program is correspondingly increased.
The example code below shows a structure and an array of 100 structure
elements being declared. The resulting .EXE size is 1616 (the size of
the code [516] plus 1100 [the data size]). However, This amount should
only be the code size, 516, because these array elements are
Sample Code
; Assemble options needed: none
.MODEL small
testing STRUC
a DB 3 DUP(?)
b DB 8 DUP(?)
testing ENDS
array testing 100 DUP(<>)
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h
Additional reference words: 5.10 5.10a 6.00