"Unresolved External" Attempting to Use CDK VBDirtyForm()

ID Number: Q74338





The VBAPI routine VBDirtyForm() is documented within the Visual Basic

add-on Control Development Kit (CDK) and is defined with the CDK

header file, VBAPI.H. However, the LINK.EXE error "Unresolved

external" occurs when linking your DLL if you attempt to use this

function, because VBDirtyForm() does not actually exist.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with Microsoft Visual

Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching

this problem and will post new information here as it becomes


The Visual Basic CDK, formerly shipped separately as an add-on product

from Microsoft, is now included with Microsoft Professional Toolkit

for Microsoft Visual Basic version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

The functionality of VBDirtyForm() can easily be achieved using

VBSetControlProperty() to assign a value to any property that has been

defined with the property flags of PF_fSaveData and/or PF_fSaveMsg.

When a property is assigned a value that was defined with one or both

of the property flags, PF_fSaveData or PF_fSaveMsg, VB.EXE takes care

of writing the property value to disk when the form is saved, and is

made aware of any changes made to any property of any control or the

form itself. Thus, VB.EXE knows to save the form when exiting or

opening a new project.

Additional reference words: 1.00