MSM9108010: A1010 from Unclosed Segment in MASM @ShowStr Macro

ID Number: Q74925



buglist6.00 fixlist6.00a



The Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) version 6.0 includes a

predefined macro in DOS.INC called @ShowStr that displays a

$-terminated string. When the argument to @ShowStr is a string

literal and there are no segment directives or ends directives

following the occurrence of @ShowStr, the assembler will generate

the following error:

fatal error A1010: unmatched block nesting: _DATA


To work around this problem, make sure that a simplified segment

directive or ends directive follows the @ShowStr macro.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in MASM version 6.0.

This problem was corrected in MASM version 6.0a.

More Information:

When @ShowStr is passed a string literal, the macro generates the

following code:

sseg TEXTEQU @CurSeg ; save current segment

.DATA ; change segment

msg BYTE ofset, "$" ; terminate string with a '$'

sseg SEGMENT ; restore segment

mov dx, OFFSET msg

mov ah, 9

int 21h ; display '$' terminated string

The line "sseg SEGMENT" restores the segment but the macro never

closes the segment; it relies on the user subsequently closing the

segment with the appropriate ends directive or by opening another

segment with a simplified segment directive. If the segment is left

open, an A1010 error is generated.

In the sample code below, @ShowStr is in a segment started with .CODE.

In the macro expansion, that segment is ended and the next segment

begun with .DATA. The code segment is restored with the statement

_TEXT SEGMENT. This segment is not closed in the macro or in the

subsequent code, so the A1010 error is produced. The error can be

eliminated by uncommenting either of the commented lines.

Sample Code


; Assemble options needed: none

.MODEL small, OS_DOS





@ShowStr "Hello"


; uncomment one of the following lines to work around the problem