Saving VB Project Changes Design-Time WindowState Property 1,2

ID Number: Q74446





In the Properties list box, setting the WindowState property of a

form to either "1 - Minimized" or "2 - Maximized" at design time

incorrectly displays "0 - Normal" after you run the program. When you

run the application again, your last WindowState setting (1 or 2) is

correctly remembered, even though the Properties list box incorrectly

displays "0 - Normal". However, if you save the project, the value for

the WindowState property (1 or 2) will be forgotten, and will

incorrectly return to "0 - Normal".

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching the

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. In the Properties list box, change the WindowState property of a

form to "1 - Minimized" or "2 - Maximized".

2. From the Run menu, choose Start.

3. From the Run menu, choose End. Notice that the WindowState property

in the Properties list box incorrectly displays "0 - Normal".

4. When you run the program again, the Form1 will correctly be

minimized (1) or maximized (2), showing that the value for

WindowState is remembered.

5. If you save the project and run again, the value set for the

WindowState property is incorrectly reset to "0 - Normal".

To work around this problem, you can set the WindowState property in

the Form_Load event procedure (instead of setting WindowState in the

Properties list box at design time). If you place the following line

of code in the Form_Load event procedure, the application will always

start up maximized:

WindowState = 2 ' 0=normal window; 1=minimized; 2=maximized

Additional reference words: 1.00