VB ToolBox/Color Palette Menus Lose Focus After Only One ESC

ID Number: Q76984




The ToolBox and Color Palette system menus lose their focus after only

one press of the ESC key rather than two. (Other system menus lose

focus after two presses of ESC.)

This behavior is by design in Microsoft Visual Basic programming

system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce


1. Start Visual Basic.

2. Click on the ToolBox or the Color Palette.

3. Press ALT+MINUS to open its system menu.

4. Press ESC to close its system menu.

5. Press SPACE to drop the system menu again.

The SPACE does not drop the system menu as it would with other Windows

system menus. The focus on these two particular system menus is lost

with one press of ESC. This is not a problem, but a design feature of

the Visual Basic's ToolBox and Color Palette windows.

This feature is unlike other Windows system menus in which two ESC

keypresses are needed to remove the focus. (The first ESC closes the

system menu, but the focus remains on it. The second ESC returns the

focus to the original window.) The ToolBox and Color Palette system

menus are not regular Windows system menus, and function differently.

Additional reference words: 1.00