[PWB] Tag Missing in PWB 1.00 Sample Init File, TOOLS.PRE

ID Number: Q60392

1.00 | 1.00


buglist1.00 fixlist1.10


TOOLS.PRE is a sample Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) initialization file

that is installed (and modified) when C 6.00 is installed by running

the Setup program. On pages 19 and 20 of "Microsoft C: Installing and

Using the Professional Development System," it states that the

contents of TOOLS.PRE can be merged with an existing TOOLS.INI file,

if one exists, or it can be renamed to TOOLS.INI, if there isn't one.

To work correctly, you must make sure that the contents of this file

are preceded by a PWB tag (for example, [PWB]) because the supplied

TOOLS.PRE lacks this tag.

More Information:

When merging the PWB 1.00 TOOLS.PRE file into an existing TOOLS.INI

file, a [PWB] tag should be added just above the area where the file

is merged. For example:





(TOOLS.PRE contents)





If TOOLS.PRE is being renamed to TOOLS.INI, the tag should be added as

the first line in the file. In either case, failure to add the tag

will result in PWB ignoring the initialization information.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in PWB version 1.00. This

problem was corrected in PWB version 1.10.