Steps Needed to Make Source Browser Usable

ID Number: Q61309

1.00 1.10 | 1.00 1.10



Before using the Browse menu options in the Programmer's WorkBench

(PWB), you must first define and build the database the Source Browser

will use. If this database is not already built, all options on the

Browse menu will be unavailable (gray).

More Information:

The following steps must be taken to define a database that is usable

by the Source Browser menu options:

1. Generate a program list using the Set Program List command in the

Make menu. The PWB creates one internally if you do not specify

one, and the program only uses one source file. If a program is

larger than one source file and a program list is not set, it is

impossible to generate a Source Browser database.

2. Choose Browse Options from the Options menu. You must select the

Generate Browse Information field in the dialog box to create the

Source Browser database.

3. Build your program using the Make Menu option. You MUST have a

successful build (compile AND link) of the program for a Source

Browser database to be generated.

The Browse Menu options should now be available for use.

If, after taking the steps outlined above, the Browse Menu options

are still unavailable for use, query on the following words:

browse and options and unavailable and strange and circumstances

For printed documentation explaining the set up and use of the Source

Browser, see pages 50-52 of "Installing and Using the Professional

Development System." You can also find information about the Source

Browser in the online help under Programmer's WorkBench, Using the PWB

Source Browser.

Additional reference words: 1.00 1.10