ID Number: Q74564
It is possible under certain circumstances to incorrectly access the
system menu of a hidden form in Visual Basic.
Steps to Reproduce Problem
1. Start Visual Basic or choose New Project from the File menu.
2. Set the WindowState property of Form1 to 1 (minimized).
3. Enter the following line of code in the Form_Resize event
procedure of Form1:
If WindowState = 2 Then Hide 'WindowState 2 = maximized
4. From the Run menu, choose Start.
5. Click on the Form1 icon to bring up the system menu for Form1.
6. From the the Form1 system menu, choose Maximize. Form1 will maximize
and then hide.
7. Press ALT+SPACE to activate the Form1 system menu.
A system menu will appear in the upper left corner of the screen, even
though Form1 is hidden.
Microsoft has confirmed this to problem with Microsoft Visual Basic
programming system 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this problem
and will post new information here as it becomes available.
Additional reference words: 1.00