C9110001: Sample Program BELL.C Causes R6001 Error

ID Number: Q76945



buglist6.00 fixlist6.00a


PROBLEM ID: C9110001


The sample program BELL.C, which is shipped with the Microsoft

Macro Assembler (MASM) version 6.0, generates the following error

when compiled and run:

run-time error R6001

- null pointer assignment


The run-time error R6001 occurs because the error-checking routine

_nullcheck() is being invoked after the program has terminated to

determine whether the contents of the NULL segment have been

changed. Because this is a mixed C and assembly language program,

the _nullcheck() routine is expecting to see the Microsoft C

run-time library message in the NULL segment.

However, because of the segment ordering that is done in the

assembly code, this is not what is actually in the NULL segment.

Although the code in the NULL segment is correct, it is not in the

order that _nullcheck() is expecting.


As stated in the online help, the null pointer check can be

suppressed by defining your own routine named _nullcheck() that

does nothing. To prevent the above error, place the following

_nullcheck() definition in the file BELL.C.

void _nullcheck (void)



The /NOE link option must also be used to avoid multiple symbol

definitions. The call to _nullcheck() will be satisfied by your

definition of _nullcheck(), and the library version will not be



Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in MASM version 6.0.

This problem was corrected in MASM version 6.0a.

Additional reference words: BELL.MAK