Documentation Errors in VB Control Development Kit (CDK) Guide

ID Number: Q74676





Below is a list of documentation errors in the 1991 and 1992 printings

of the "Microsoft Visual Basic: Control Development Guide".

The "Microsoft Visual Basic: Control Development Guide (copyright

1992)" was shipped bound together with the two other manuals for the

Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Visual Basic.

The "Microsoft Visual Basic: Control Development Guide (copyright

1991, part no. 20666)" was shipped in loose-leaf form with the earlier

Control Development Kit (CDK) add-on package for Visual Basic. The CDK

for Visual Basic is now included as part of the Professional Toolkit

mentioned above.

Many of the errors below were corrected in the Visual Basic CDK online

Help before shipping.

More Information:

Corrections to the "Microsoft Visual Basic: Control Development Guide"


(Page 16, for manual [c] 1991) (corrected in 1992 manual)

For the note labeled "Important",

"...table must list properties in..."

should read:

"...table must list events in..."

(Page 85, for manual [c] 1992)

(Page 79, for manual [c] 1991)

Regarding the infodata field,

"...fourth field in the EVENTINFO structure..."

should read:

"...fourth field in the PROPINFO structure..."

(Page 86, for manual [c] 1992)

(Page 79, for manual [c] 1991)

Code for OFFSETIN statement,

"OFFSETIN(MYCTL, Language),"

should read:

"OFFSETIN(MYCTL, enumLanguage),"

(Page 82, for manual [c] 1991) (corrected in 1992 manual)

Bottom of the page, third bullet,

"...respond to VBM_SAVEPROPERTY..."

should read:

"...respond to VBM_LOADPROPERTY..."

(Page 106, for manual [c] 1992)

(Page 98, for manual [c] 1991)

The function VBGetControlName needs to be added to this manual and to

the CDK online Help file:

VBGetControlName returns the name of a Visual Basic control given

that control's handle (hctl). The function prototype for

VBGetControlName (which correctly appears in the VBAPI.H header

file), is as follows:

LPSTR FAR PASCAL VBGetControlName (HCTL hctl, LPSTR lpszName);

VBGetControlName copies the name of the control into the buffer

pointed to by lpszName and also returns a handle to that buffer.

(Page 112, for manual [c] 1991) (corrected in 1992 manual)

VBXPixelsToTwips, VBYPixelsToTwips:

Return data type is listed in Syntax as SHORT; it should be LONG.

(Page 122, for manual [c] 1992)

(Page 112, for manual [c] 1991)

VBXPixelsToTwips, VBYPixelsToTwips:

" logical twips into a measurement in pixels..."

should read:

" logical pixels into a measurement in twips..."

In the chart, Type should list as SHORT.

(Page 147, for manual [c] 1992)

(Page 136, for manual [c] 1991)

In the table, the incorrect heading

"Flag Value"

should be changed to:

"Field Name"

Additional reference words: 1.00