INF: Restoration of a Database from Transaction Dumps

ID Number: Q60054

1.10 1.11 4.20



To restore a database that used DUMP TRANSACTION as the primary

backup procedure, the last dump of the entire database (DUMP DATABASE)

must be loaded (LOAD DATABASE), followed by the sequential loading

(LOAD TRANSACTION) of the transaction dump(s) (DUMP TRANSACTION).

For example, if all of the following are true

- The database was last dumped on Monday

- The transactions were dumped Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and


- The database crashed on Saturday, causing data corruption

the proper way to restore the database would be to first load the

database dump from Monday, followed by the sequential loading of the

transaction dumps from Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The

database would then be restored to the state it was in as of the

last transaction dump taken on Friday.

Additional reference words: Dumping and Loading