No Title for Project Window After Loading from Command Line

ID Number: Q74677





A naming problem can occur when you invoke the VB.EXE (Visual Basic)

environment with a project from the Windows command line with a .FRM,

.BAS, or a .VBX filename extension. If you start a project with any of

these extensions, you will see an untitled Project Window displayed,

and if you make any changes to that Form and try to exit Visual Basic,

Visual Basic will correctly prompt you to save the changes to that

Form. However, if you first select New Form to add to the Project, you

will be prompted to save the forms and to save the project under a

blank project name. The project name is incorrectly blank and should

instead reflect the last project name.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with Microsoft Visual

Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching

this problem and will post new information here as it becomes


More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Start Visual Basic or choose New Project from the File menu.

2. From the File menu, choose Save Project As. Save the form with the

name Test1.FRM and the project with the name Test1.MAK.

3. From the Visual Basic File menu, choose Exit.

4. From the Windows Program Manager File menu, choose Run. Enter the

following path:


5. Visual Basic will start with an untitled Project Window that

contains the files Global.BAS and TEST1.FRM.

6. From the Visual Basic Run menu, choose Exit. Note that if you make

any changes to Test1.FRM and try to exit Visual Basic, the message

"Save changes to 'TEST1.FRM'?" will be displayed. If you choose Yes,

the changes to the form will be saved. If you choose to add another

form from the File menu with the New Form command, you will be asked

to to save the changes to each Form followed by the message "Save

changes to '?'" when you exit Visual Basic. This is a problem unless

you remember the Project name Test1.MAK. If you remember the filename,

then the message "Replace existing 'C:\VB\TEST1.MAK'?" will be

displayed and the new form or forms will be added to the project under

the old project name.

A workaround is to choose the Run command from the Windows Program

Manager File menu with the following Path:


Visual Basic should now start with the correctly titled Project Window

named TEST1.MAK.

Additional reference words: 1.00