Closed Split Window Incorrectly Allows Text Entry

ID Number: Q74731





You can cause Microsoft Visual Basic to set the input focus to an

invisible "view" of a split code window. Input is still accepted when

the focus is set to the invisible portion of the code window, but will

not be visible to the user. This is incorrect behavior, because

closing a split window should shift focus to the first window.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

Note that the "splitter bar" (the horizontal border just above the

editing area and just above the vertical scroll bar) allows you to

split the code window into two parts, which allows you to view two

different sections of code at once.

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Start Visual Basic or choose New Project from Visual Basic's

File menu.

2. Double-click on Form1 to bring up a code window.

3. Drag down the code window splitter bar to the middle of the code

window, splitting the code window into two views.

4. Click in the upper view of the code window to place the text

insertion point there.

5. Select the code window splitter bar and drag it upwards to close

the upper view in the code window.

6. Type "Sub foo" (without the quotation marks) and press ENTER. No

text will appear in the code window, because the focus is set to the

invisible half of the window. However, the contents of the "Proc"

drop-down combo box will change to "Foo," indicating that Sub Foo has

been created.

7. Click on the code window splitter bar again and pull the splitter

bar back to the center of the code window. The text insertion point

will appear in the upper view of the code window, and the current

procedure for the upper view will be Sub Foo.

Additional reference words: 1.00