StretchBlt() Gives UAE with 256-Color Video Drivers

ID Number: Q77314




Calling StrechBlt() from an application developed in Visual Basic

version 1.0 may generate an "Unrecoverable Application Error" (UAE)

message when you use a Windows 256-color video driver and the

following conditions are met:

- The destination object's AutoRedraw property is set to TRUE.

- The destination object's size is an exact multiple of the source

object's size.

This is a problem with StretchBlt(), a Windows 3.0 API function. This

information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


Note: This error only occurs when using a 256-color video driver.

1. Start Visual Basic, or choose New Project from the File menu.

2. Place two picture controls on Form1. Load a bitmap into Picture1

by assigning the Picture1.Picture property.

3. Place the following code in the GLOBAL.BAS module:

Declare Function StretchBlt% Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC%, ByVal X%, ByVal Y%,

ByVal nWidth%, ByVal nHeight%, ByVal hSrcDC%, ByVal XSrc%,

ByVal YSrc%, ByVal nSrcWidth%, ByVal nSrcHeight%, ByVal dwRop&)

Note: The above Declare statement must be on a single line in Visual


4. Place the following code in the Form_Click event procedure:

'Initialize source object's (Picture1) size

Form1.ScaleMode = 3

Picture1.BorderStyle = 0

Picture2.BorderStyle = 0

Picture1.Height = 64

Picture1.Width = 64

Picture1.ScaleMode = 3 'StretchBlt uses pixels

Picture2.ScaleMode = 3

Picture2.AutoRedraw = -1 'Turn on Autoredraw for destination

'Set destination object size to a multiple of the source's size

Picture2.Height = 2 * Picture1.Height

Picture2.Width = 2 * Picture1.Width

hdestdc% = picture2.hDC

X% = 0: Y% = 0

nWidth% = picture2.scalewidth

nHeight% = picture2.scaleheight

' Assign information of the source bitmap.

hSrcDC% = picture1.hDC

XSrc% = 0: YSrc% = 0

nsrcwidth% = picture1.scalewidth

nsrcheight% = picture1.scaleheight

' Assign the constant to the Raster operation (dWrop&).

dwRop& = &HCC0020 'to simply copy

'The next two lines should be all one line in Visual Basic:

ret% = StretchBlt(hdestdc%, X%, Y%, nWidth%, nHeight%, hSrcDC%,

XSrc%, YSrc%, nsrcwidth%, nsrcheight%, dwRop&)

Picture2.Picture = Picture2.Image

Note: The StretchBlt function must be placed on a single line when

typed into the Visual Basic code window.

5. Run the program (press F5) and click on the background of Form1. If

you are using a 256-color Windows display driver, a UAE may result.

After the error, you should exit Windows entirely and reboot to avoid

subsequent errors.

This problem only occurs when you have the destination object's size

an exact multiple of the source object's size, the destination objects

AutoRedraw property set to TRUE, and are using a 256-color Windows

video driver.

Additional reference words: 1.00 3.00