Visual Basic Examples to Copy a Disk File

ID Number: Q77315




Visual Basic does not have a command to copy a disk file such as

the MS-DOS COPY command. However, you can write the necessary code

to copy a file. Two examples of copying a file are provided in

this article.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

The following Visual Basic sample subprograms, CopyFile1 and

CopyFile2, provide two different ways to copy a disk file in a way

similar to the MS-DOS COPY command. The first example uses only Visual

Basic code, while the second example includes Window API functions.

CopyFile2 runs faster than CopyFile1, especially for large files (up

to twice as fast).

Subprogram: CopyFile1


Sub CopyFile1 (ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String)

Dim Index As Integer, NumBlocks As Integer

Dim FileLength As Long, LeftOver As Long

Dim FileData As String

Const BlockSize = 32768

'Source and Destination are strings containing filenames:

Open Source For Binary Access Read As #1

' Opening then immediately closing the destination file with

' "For Output" access erases the file if it exists (which is

' necessary in case the copied Source file is shorter than the

' existing Destination file, which would leave some of the old

' file's characters at the end of the new Destination file).

' You can use this technique to erase the Destination file in place

' of the Kill statement to avoid a Kill statement error if the

' Destination file doesn't exist:

Open Destination For Output As #2

Close #2

Open Destination For Binary As #2

FileLength = LOF(1)

NumBlocks = FileLength \ BlockSize

LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize

FileData = String$(LeftOver, 32)

Get #1, , FileData

Put #2, , FileData

FileData = String$(BlockSize, 32)

For Index = 1 To NumBlocks

Get #1, , FileData

Put #2, , FileData

Next Index

Close #1, #2

End Sub

Subprogram: CopyFile2


Note that CopyFile2 (below) copies files faster than CopyFile1

(above). Because CopyFile2 uses several API functions, you must

include the Visual Basic Declare statements shown below. Place these

declarations in the global file or in the (general) (declarations)

section of a form or module file that contains the CopyFile2


DefInt A-Z

' All Declare statements must be on one line when added to a program:

Declare Function fWrite Lib "kernel" Alias "_lwrite" (ByVal hFile,

ByVal lpBuff As Long, ByVal nBuff)

Declare Function fRead Lib "kernel" Alias "_lread" (ByVal hFile,

ByVal lpBuff As Long, ByVal nBuff)

Declare Function GLobalAlloc Lib "kernel" (ByVal wFlags, ByVal nBuff

As Long)

Declare Function GLobalFree Lib "kernel" (ByVal hMem)

Declare Function GLobalLock Lib "kernel" (ByVal hMem) As Long

Declare Function GLobalUnlock Lib "kernel" (ByVal hMem)

Sub CopyFile2 (ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String)

Dim lpBuff As Long

Dim DestFile, SourceFile As Integer

Dim DestDOS, SourceDOS As Integer

Dim ApiErr, AmtRead As Integer

Dim hMem As Integer

Const nBuff = 32767

Const wFlags = &H20

hMem = GLobalAlloc(wFlags, nBuff)

lpBuff = GLobalLock(hMem)

DestFile = FreeFile

Open Destination For Output As #DestFile Len = 1

SourceFile = FreeFile

Open Source For Input As #SourceFile Len = 1

DestDOS = FileAttr(DestFile, 2)

SourceDOS = FileAttr(SourceFile, 2)


AmtRead = fRead(SourceDOS, ByVal lpBuff, nBuff)

ApiErr = fWrite(DestDOS, ByVal lpBuff, AmtRead)

Loop Until AmtRead = 0

Close #SourceFile, #DestFile

lpBuff = GLobalUnlock(hMem)

hMem = GLobalFree(hMem)

End Sub

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