PRQCW9109011: QC/Win Incorrectly Reports that File Has Changed

ID Number: Q76670







Under certain circumstances, the Microsoft QuickC for Windows

(QC/Win) Graphical Development Environment version 1.0 may report

that the current source file has changed, and ask if you want to

save the changes, when in fact the file has not changed.

From the "Options" menu, choose "Environment". Then set "Undo

Buffer Size" to 1K by entering a "1" (without the quotation marks)

in the edit field. Select "OK". Then highlight more than 25 lines

of code in the current source file. Press the DEL key. QC/Win will

generate the following message box:

There is not enough space in the Undo buffer to

save this action. Would you like to continue?

If "NO" is selected, and an attempt is made to close the file,

QC/Win generates a message box stating:

Would you like to save the changes made in



Make sure that the Undo Buffer is large enough to contain the size

of the selection. By default, the size is set to 4K.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in QuickC for Windows

version 1.0. We are researching this problem and will post new

information here as it becomes available.

Additional reference words: QCWin 1.00