QCW9109002: Debugger Hangs Windows If Array Size > 32000 Bytes

ID Number: Q76525







Expanding an array (or arrays) whose total size is greater than

32,000 bytes in the Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) version

1.0 environment's debugger causes Microsoft Windows version 3.0 to

hang. This problem occurs with local and global arrays in both the

local and watch windows.


The only workaround for this problem is to watch the individual

array elements separately, instead of expanding the whole array to

view the elements.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in QC/Win version 1.0.

We are researching this problem and will post new information here

as it becomes available.

More Information:

To reproduce the problem with the sample code below, either expand

array1 and array2 in the Locals window or put a watch on the two

arrays and expand them in the Watch window. To reproduce the problem

with array3, comment out array1 and array2, reduce the stack size, and

expand array3 in the Watch window.

Sample Code


// Project options needed: QuickWin EXE

// Link options needed : Stack Size 0xA000

// char array3[32000];

void main( void)


char array1[16000];

char array2[16000];


Additional reference words: 1.00 3.00 lock qcwin