INF: Only One .RC File Is Permitted Per Project

ID Number: Q76714




The Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) Graphical Development

Environment version 1.0 will allow the user to include only one .RC

file in each project. Attempting to add more than one .RC file to any

project will result in the following error message dialog box:

You can only add one Resource Script. Would you like to replace the

current script?

The user then answers "Yes" or "No".

More Information:

To use more than one resource script in a project, use one

.RC file with #include preprocessor directives to specify any other

.RC files needed. For example, suppose that you have two resource

scripts, RC1.RC and RC2.RC, that you want to use in the current

project. Create one .RC file named PROJ.RC, and include the following

lines at the top of the file:

#include "RC1.RC"

#include "RC2.RC"

This will force the resource compiler to compile all the resources

contained in those two .RC files into the executable, while still

having only one .RC file contained in the project.

Additional reference words: QCWin 1.00