INF: Behavior of Workspaces in QC/Win 1.0

ID Number: Q76695




The Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) Graphical Development

Environment version 1.0 features the ability to take a snapshot of

your work area for retrieval during a later programming session. These

"snapshots" are referred to as Workspaces.

More Information:

Workspaces may be used to save the arrangement and state (minimized,

maximized, or restored) of all QuickC windows. They will also

"remember" the size and location of the QuickC for Windows desktop

(main) window as well as the state (on or off) of the tool bar and

status bar.

However, Workspaces will not save the following debug information:

1. Location of breakpoints.

2. The contents of the Errors window resulting from the last build.

3. The contents (if any) of the Watch window, although Workspaces will

save the state and location of the Watch window. To work around this

limitation, save the contents of the Watch window to a file using

the Save As command from the File menu. Then paste the contents

of this file back into the Watch window when the debugging session

is resumed, and reload the Workspace.

4. The setting of the Hex Mode option on the Debug menu.

Furthermore, if multiple open windows are saved as part of the

Workspace, the active window will not be saved and later restored in

its previously active state when the Workspace is reloaded. Normally,

the window that is painted last is the window that becomes currently

active once the Workspace is loaded.

These expanded Workspace features are under review and will be

considered for inclusion in a future release.

Additional reference words: QCWin 1.00