INF: Administering a Server from a Remote Location

ID Number: Q61654

1.10 1.11 4.20



You can administer a server from a remote location with a LAN Manager

version 2.0 or 2.1 based network. To do this, you must first perform

the following commands on the machine you want to remotely administer:

net share ipc$

net share admin$

You can put these commands in the STARTUP.CMD file so they are

executed at each reboot.

If your LAN Manager server is running user-level security, you do not

need to explictly share these services, but you do need to be a user

with both remote admin priviledges and access to the server's named

pipes (IPC$).

After ensuring that this is done, you can remotely administer the

server using the following command:

net admin \\servername

This will bring up a full-screen interface with which to administer

the server. This is the same interface you have when you enter "net

admin" to administer the local machine.

The following command can be used to start a service:

net admin \\servername /command net start sqlserver

You can also start SQL Server directly from the LAN Manager 2.1

full-screen administrator facility, or from SQL Server's utilities

SAF or SQL Administrator for Windows.

Note that this can even be done over dialin lines using

LAN Manager 2.1's Remote Access Services (RAS).

Additional reference words: user share mode security SAF WinSQL
