Using Code Menu's Replace to Create Subs May Fail in VB.EXE

ID Number: Q75057





When using the Replace command from the Code menu of Microsoft

Visual Basic to perform a replacement that results in the creation of

a Sub or Function, Visual Basic may not correctly perform the


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. Microsoft is researching

this problem and will post new information here as it becomes


More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Start the Visual Basic environment (VB.EXE).

2. Double-click on Form1 to bring up a code window.

3. Select the (general) object from the object list box at the top of

the code window.

4. Type the following text in the code window:





5. From the Code menu, choose the Replace command.

6. Type the following on the "Find What:" line of the Replace dialog



7. Type the following on the "Replace With:" line of the same dialog


sub test

8. If you now choose the Verify button, Visual Basic will prompt you

to replace the text for the lines 'test1 and 'test3, but not for

'test2 or 'test4. If you choose Replace All, Visual Basic will

correctly create Sub test1 and Sub test2, but will fail to replace

the text for 'test3 or 'test4. (The order of replacement

depends upon the location of the insertion point.)

Additional reference words: 1.00